Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, February 1, 2008


Well my blogging buddy Bethany tagged me for a meme. So here goes nothing!

8 Things I'm Passionate About

1. Children and Adoption- Both take over my personal and professional life.

2. God

3. My Family

4. Photography

5. Travel

6. Blogging

7. Good Books

8. Gardening

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

1. Be A Mother

2. Visit All 50 States

3. Get a few more tattoos

4. Go to Ireland

5. Write a book

6. Learn to Ball Room Dance

7. Meet my best blogging buddies, Bethany, Stacie and Julie.

8. Learn to play the piano

8 Things I Often Say

1. Are You Freaking Kidding Me

2. Lena NO!!! (My dog)

3. Hey Sister (That's how I answer her calls every day)

4. Did you log that ( I say that to my employees several times a day)

5. But your real real pretty (What I say to my staff after I tell them the bad news)

6. That's not appropriate (client speak... :-))

7. I love you ( I have to tell one of my family members that every day)

8. Seriously

8 TV Shows I've Recently Watched

1. Lost, Lost, and more Lost

2. Grey's Anatomy

3. Journeyman

4. Oprah

5. Dr. Phil

6. Days of Our Lives

7. Nip/Tuck

8. Biggest Loser

8 Songs I Never Tire of Listening Too

1. African Queen

2. Sweet Sweet Baby

3. I wanna be close

4. Baby Got Back

5. Cheeseburger in Paradise

6. My Wish- Reminds me of my mom

7. Let's Get It On

8. I Need An Angel

8 things I Learned in 2007

1. Adoption is a long hard journey

2. Grief doesn't get easier with time

3. I still really miss my mom

4. Working is overrated!

5. My niece is super cool

6. Lost is a rocking show

7. For some reason Lena makes the worst day bearable

8. I am glad 2007 is over!

And I'm going to tag anyone that wants to do this meme. If you do it leave a comment and I'll link to you.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

I want to meet too! Wouldn't that be fun! :)
Baby Got Back - you crack me up!
And, finishing off bad news by telling your staff they're pretty - that's classic. I may steal that line (not that I have a staff or anything, but I can find ways to use it I'm sure :).
Fun post!