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Monday, July 9, 2007

Miss N is moving right along. She had another doctor's appointment today and she is dilated 3 cm. This baby is going to make his arrival soon! It's so unreal to know that within the next week or so my little guy will be in the world! Last night when I couldn't sleep I went in the nursery and sat for awhile. I was trying to imagine what it will be like to peer over the crib and see him laying there. Right now it's just an empty bed and in awhile I will look over the edge and there he will be. My baby!

I don't know what it's like to be pregnant. I'm not sure how it feels as you prepare for that kind of arrival. All I know for sure is what this is like and it's very weird. It is hard to believe some days that I'm going to have a baby. I see all of his things and I'm planning for him but since I can't feel him it's hard to believe that it is real. It's also weird to not know where he is all the time. Today I was trying to get ahold of Miss N and couldn't reach her right away. I wasn't worried really it was more of a longing. Like I want to know that she and the baby are okay, what they are doing, where they are. It's so weird. But when a person is pregnant they know where their baby is. It's just so odd. Maybe I need to try to sleep a little more. I don't know... I'm just weird I suppose....

That's my world though... Weird...

1 comment:

Stacie said...

I don't think it's weird - I often have that unreal feeling about our son. Of course, I can get pictures of him and that helps to make it more real, but it is definitely different for those of us adopting to accept the true reality of the situation until they are in our arms. I think that makes it all the more amazing. So, you're not weird - I think a lot of us feel that way! :) I'll be saying prayers for you, Miss N and the little baby boy on the way!