Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Conference Call

I just talked to my social worker and I'm scheduled to have a conference call with her and the birth mom at 1:30 today. I'm so stinking nervous! I've been nervous before but nothing like this!!! It's crazy. My stomach is churning and my heart is racing. And I still have two hours to wait. I do have a list of questions to ask her and I know she has a list of questions for me. Hopefully that will help me. If I get to nervous I can just revert back to the list. Good plan right!

Wish me luck.... No just wish me blessings...


Anonymous said...

Surely you mean expectant mother considering adoption.

Stacie said...

That sounds wonderful - blessings to you & everyone involved - I hope it goes well!!

(And to the above comment, Jessie you should disregard it and don't take it to heart- I think that's just mean to say something like that. If 'anonymous' has something to say, then he/she should say it in a nice and respectful manner. It's find to share your opinion, but not in a way that can be hurtful. I hope you don't mind me saying so.)

Anonymous said...


You were right to call her the birth mother. I always said it was my pregnacy waiting for Amanda. Ane it was four days of labor waiting to see if we were picked and four days of delivery till we could pick her up. And my stomach hurt awful you are in our prays.