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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm Alive

Yes my blogging buddies I'm alive. I've just been horribly busy. My job has been crazy hectic, I've been sick, and I just finished up another semester of grad school. Fun times! If I ever go awhile without posting you can always visit me at my other blog Hunna's Happenings. Since I've had that blog the longest I do tend to post there almost every day.

So adoption wise I have very little to report. I'm still just waiting away. I keep praying for a Christmas baby. Maybe it will happen. If not I'd love a January baby or a February baby and heck March is a good month so that would work too. Okay let's get real I'm just hoping a baby shows up someday soon.

Since a baby hasn't shown up at my house I've started using the nursery as holiday central. I still go in the nursery to pray in the mornings. That calms me. But I've found that the nursury is a good place to store gifts. So it's filled with presents right now. I've also found that the changing table is a perfect height to wrap presents. No pain the back this year! And the crib stores wrapping paper wonderfully. I've slid all the rolls of wrapping paper through the slats on the crib and it works great. I can see what I have and how much. And it doesn't get all wrinkled up in a box or fall over on the floor.

So that's what's up in my world. No baby but lots of holiday prep. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season. Most of all I hope that you all get your little ones home soon!!!


Gurskes said...

OHHH GOODIE YOU ARE ALIVE. Okay I'll check your other blog as well. You have been a busy lady missy! I miss chatting with you! I'm glad that time is flying for you during all this waiting. I wish I could say the same!

Much love,
Lil ol me

Stacie said...

Yay - I was wondering where you were! Hoping for a Christmas miracle for you! (And while I'm at it - for the Gurske's too! :)

What a great idea to use the changing table as wrapping central. You can tell your little one about this someday - it's cute!

Anonymous said...

We don't have a nursery set up, but the room where it would be is also a hodge-podge of holiday activity. I'm not thankful to be without a baby, but I've become very thankful for a place to throw the messy parts of the wrapping process when company comes over!

Glad you're hanging in there.

graceling said...

Using the crib to store wrapping paper... that cracks me up. But it is something I would totally do. It sounds great for organizing!